Friday, March 23, 2007















Anonymous said...

Malaysia has gone to the dogs. Not a day goes by without some report in the national dailies on the occurrence of armed robberies, bloody gang fights, child abuses, cold-blooded murders, gang rapes, road rage and snatch thefts.

And I don't think the government of Badawi is doing enough to tackle this social malaise. But to be fair to the prime minister, he had inherited these social ills from his predecessor, and one just cannot expect him to stamp out the problem in a matter of two or three years.

Back to the dogs. Some time ago, a young woman's body was found in a box. Some time ago, a young woman was walking back from work at night when she was shoved into a car and taken to a bungalow where she was allegedly gang-raped by some Africans.

Sound familiar? Remember the girl who was raped and then killed by the bus driver after a terror bus ride? There are countless others whose names I can't recall, but the graphic images of the violence perpetrated against these victims remain. And of course, the case last occasion of the young woman who raped and killed while out jogging.

Well, it is more than just fate. Fate is just an explanation for those events that led one to being at the wrong place at the wrong time. But what caused the brutal murder?

The two decades under Dr Mahathir saw rapid economic development. Spanking new highways were built, crisscrossing the country, the world's tallest buildings were built; new factories mushroomed overnight; illegal immigrants arrived in hordes; foreign direct investments flowed into the country, while the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange was turned into a virtual casino. Those were wonderful and heady times indeed.

When the stock market crashed in 1997, we cried foul; we blamed Soros for our financial sorrows. Did we blame ourselves? Of course not.

Who cares about ethics or values when you can make money at the expense of others? You want better roads? "No problem, we will give you better roads. Just pay your toll."

But at what cost? It was two decades of social havoc. Money or material wealth became (still is) the new God. Corruption, greed and ugly money, and race politics set in. Religious and social values became subordinated to the new God.

Anonymous said...

Of the 30 richest people in Malaysia, only 8 are malays. One is Indian and the rest are Chinese.

12 billionaires in the list and only two are malays.

36 years of NEP and still more Chinese billionaires and millionaires.

What else does the government have to do so that our malay brethren can catch up!

So all they can do is blame the Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore for keeping them down.

Anyway for 22 years the twisting Mamak tried his level best to bring Singapore to its knees. He couldn't. So now he thinks the Thais can do it. And he is egging them.

Poor soul. He will never see Singapore on its knees.

Anonymous said...

My uncle left Malaysia in the 1970s. He graduated from MIT and did his PhD in Yale on computer science. I dare say, that was when computer science era just starting.

He was a very patriotic man, a scout graduated from Royal Military College. He came back to Malaysia after his PhD to serve this country. Looked for a job in University Malaya. They told him point blank, we have openings, but it is only for bumi.

He left for greener pastures in United States. Has been a US citizen for a few decades now. He has contributed widely to the field of computer science and is still doing so.

He never forgave Malaysia for turning their backs to him. And I guess he never will.

Anonymous said...

If we read the Malaysia Federal Constitution of 1957, we will not find the word "bumiputera" - hence some would say the origin of the word is grounded in the political agenda of some politicians to discriminate against citizens not of malay ethnicity.

In short there is no constitutional legitimacy in the use of the term "bumiputera" except for its purpose which is to discriminate for the sake of discriminating.

Some fifty years after independence from the British, the demographic profile of its population has changed. Most of the Chinese/Indians today are no longer foreign born, and through the principle of "jus soli" (Latin meaning "right of the soil") are citizens by birth.

The word "bumiputera" (Sanskrit meaning "son of the soil") which came into popular use after the riots of 1969, is a convenient term not grounded in the science of anthropology but in the politics of race - in other words its use is a convenient invention by malay politicians and malay leaders to justify the policies of Umno which dominated the ruling alliance, which came to be known as the New Economic Policy (NEP).

It could have been called "The Great Affirmative Action Policy" but the architects of the NEP are visionary leaders whose motives go beyond affirmative action.

It is not a coincidence that post-1969 saw the rise of business oriented leaders in Umno and the political demise of the malay school teachers whose hold over power in the party suffered a setback. The labeling is important as events many years later are to demonstrate to us that more is envisaged rather than just affirmative action.

Let there only be one class or let Malaysia be a nation of the "classless". Malaysians do not need a caste system like we find in India.

Enough is enough. The word "bumiputera" creates a class of Malaysians based not on ethnicity but on some dubious criteria with religion factored into it.

It is conceptualized for the convenience of policy makers who rode on the wave of malay nationalism unleashed after May 13, 1969 to maintain their position of power and influence.

The faster we do away with the word "bumiputera" the better it will be. The use of the term "bumiputera" post-1969, I submit, has less to do with affirmative actions but more to do with politicians who see in it the opportunity to maintain their hold over power.

It is time power be handed over to a fresh breed of Malaysians who think less in terms of Malay, Indian and Chinese or "bumiputera" and "non-bumiputera" but more in terms of Malaysians of different ethnic descent.

But let us not lose our perspective. The United States has been independent for more than 200 years but is still today struggling with racism. Malaysia is still politically a toddler learning to walk. Success is about what happens when we fall rather than in the walking.

Anonymous said...

I for another have given up on Malaysia as well. Born and raised but discriminated against in my own native soil. I now pledge loyalty to Australia where I am treated fair and equal.

I had not forgotten my grassroots but what is the point remembering it! All that I ask is equal rights and opportunities being a citizen but as a racist government, it is therefore impossible. Oh well……….Malaysia's loss is Australia's gain.

It is still pretty interesting to frequent the current affairs going on in Malaysia. It is as though one is reading the collapse of the Roman Empire.

Anonymous said...

The issue of vernacular primary schools has little to do with national integration. The medium of instruction doesn't matter. The biggest issue of vernacular primary schools is simply that the quality clearly points to the failure of Umno-led BN government, the legitimacy of the very philosophies and policies particularly its hegemonistic malay agenda.

If the vernacular primary schools are allowed to expand, clearly the percentage of malays in these Chinese primary schools would expand striking at the heart of the malay agenda. It would increase integration but not the malay agenda.

There is no proof that different medium of instruction decrease national unity. What would decrease national integration would be if they thought different philosophy - and for example - religion based schools. Even military schools have been shown to breed disintegration of its students from the larger population.

The idea of teaching Mandarin and Tamil to attract non-malays to national schools is a non-starter. Firstly, again the medium of instruction is a low low issue compared to the quality of education, secondly, there is already a severe shortage of Mandarin and Tamil teachers that national schools would never be able to do even a half-past-six job of it.

Thirdly, so long as Islamization of national schools is not stopped in its tracks, non-malays would always avoid it, simply because learning is just harder in a marginalized uncomfortable environment.

Vernacular schools are allowed to continue as it is simply because removing it would be perceived and rightly so, as eroding the citizen rights of non-malays, i.e. the very right of education - the only upward mobility tool the non-malays has. Non-malays second class citizenship will become third class with things like further Islamization of this country.

The issue of vernacular schools is not about national integration, it is about hegemonistic malay agenda. The fact it is an issue points to heart of our national problem.

Anonymous said...

With regards to the Malaysia space program, that one is a total bullshit. They wasted money like crazy and claimed Malaysia able to send people like to moon.

The most pathetic part of that is, they have to be able to determine the direction to pray from a space station. That is so pathetic and I laughed so hard at it, now that the so-called Ustaz are trying to study orbit mechanics. It is a stupid plan.

I don't care how much 'leadership' one have but coming up with such a stupid plan and claim it to be space program will officially submit Malaysia to be a laughing stock in the scientific community of the world.

Anonymous said...

I am a second generation Chinese Malaysian with an Australian PR (permanent residence). I took it up mainly because the forecast does not look too good for my children in Malaysia, i.e. university entrance requirements, promotion in government and armed forces, discount in properties purchases, etc.

In one letter said, "A person with PR status has two choices. When it is good weather that person can stay on in that particular country, and when the weather turns bad, he can move on to another country. A person who goes overseas to study may try to get PR to find a job there. But PR or not they are second-class citizens in that country."

I do not mind being classified as second-class citizens in Australia because even as PR, we are treated fair and square (except that we don't have voting rights). Everything there is based on merit and not the color of your race or skin.

For information, I feel very sad and disgusted to be treated like a second-class citizen in our own country.

The real reason is that the affordability of tertiary education hits most middle-class Malaysians. However most find a way out by obtaining PR status either in Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the UK.

Permanent residency of Australia entitlement includes not having to pay full fees for one's children's tertiary education. A PR only pays the home student's scale of fees.

However, as I am not running down the shortcomings of life of one country or another but rather depicting important real life issues that affect life in a developed country like Australia, I shall endeavor to comment on some points that bemuse me.

As for the free university education my children received, a quick search in the library should reveal the fact that, free university education was accorded to all and sundry in Australia.

In essence, people in Australia are gauged not by race but by merit. Therefore, it is ironic to claim that white Australians behave more superior to anyone else, while the society at large is governed by non-discriminatory policies.

Nevertheless, it doesn't in anyway grant privileges for a university admission. Australia is a free society where everyone is equal and measured by merit.

As everywhere else in the world, quality medication is expensive. But then in Australia, 50 to 90 percent of the real cost of compulsory medicine is subsidised by the government. Private healthcare insurance is again an alternative for those who do not wish to go through the public healthcare system, which provides service based on 'medical need' rather than 'individual preference'.

In actuality, unemployment benefit is not a blind handout. It is subject to skills upgrade for employment under the Tafe (Technical and Further Education) programme. Isn't this the epitome of a caring government?

Discrimination is a myth of the past era of 'White Australia'. In reality, meritocracy is the only prevailing force in action. For instance, two-thirds of undergraduates pursuing medical degrees in Melbourne University and Monash University are Australian of Chinese origin from different parts of Asia. Isn't this strong enough proof of Australia's non-discriminatory policy?

Moreover, Asian migrants have excelled in different professions from university chairs to specialist doctors solely on the grounds of their merit. Furthermore, anyone with the substance and the support of voters can become the country's prime minister.

Hence, no one could stop an Australian-born Asian from contesting the office of prime minister in Australia if he aspires to do so.

A better life to all.

Anonymous said...

In fact the Umno members brains are flat and empty. That is why they refuse to accept the fact that the world is flat which require playing field is being leveled.

Thus the discriminations and affirmative policies of Never Ending Policy will continue until the world ends and not until the world is flat!

We can only read the book (The World Is Flat) and dream about it but cannot practice and look the impact of it. It will never going to happen in Bodohland!

Anonymous said...

From those who already exited ~ Good riddance to bad BN governance.

At that time - Good people emigrated. Bad rubbish stayed to rubbish the country. Imagine if more good people emigrate. The country will become a rubbish dump.

The criminals had achieved their objectives to drive away, not only decent, good, hardworking and talented people, but also foreign investors and tourists which the country rely upon to create job and wealth.

This is entirely true. Most of the Chinese professionals I know are selling their businesses and properties in preparation of the big exodus. It may happen next year or after 2008 depending on the results of the next election. The decision would be easy - if Badawi stays, we go. Period.

A time when Malaysians make their exit, we have scores of illegal immigrants coming in and getting easy PR. Conclusion, a truly half past six country in the making. Bunch of traitors selling their country for a fast gain.

Countries that attract and retain the most talented people prosper and surge ahead in the economic race. The losing ones grounded bitterly and blame everyone else except themselves. Sad to say, we are in the later category.

From being better than Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and many more, we are now nowhere near these countries level. Notice our sub-standard leaders now only compare Malaysia to developing countries? Looks like very soon we cannot even compare to a country like Vietnam.

What losing means to ordinary Malaysians? We have to pay much higher proportion of our income for almost everything; food, petrol, toll, etc. That is reality! Not a state of mind.

People emigrate for numerous reasons under various categories for emigration - business, family reunion, skills including chef and plumber, and etc.

The present circumstances are mainly due to criminals inciting violence and hatred, racial and religious intolerance, and the lost of confidence and trust in the government to promptly tackle gross abuses and excesses, rampant corruption and turn the country around.

The fact that people emigrate for the above reasons speaks volume of the government failure to take proper care of the country and its decent and hard working ordinary people.

Malaysia is indeed a hopeless nation, I would be glad if Malaya is to continue under the British rule. This leader of us is really pushing the country down day by day, you could read in the news that (looting) and I have never heard of this when we were ruled by the British.

I am going to hand over my blue IC today, is a shame to hold one.

"Good riddance to bad rubbish" indeed, but I believe it is the exodus groups who will be saying it to the lame government!

Anonymous said...

I am totally agree what you have said, those moron malays have no sense of 'malu'. For example, I find that most of those malay pig creature are dirty and smelly, but they still walking around proudly with that stinking and ugly look.

Another example is most of them are poor, they can't afford a big luxury car. When they saw Chinese or Indian driving a big car, they are feeling distress and jealous.

What a loser! Hey non-malays can afford a big car without depend on NEP policy. But you pathetic malay pig can't afford it even though with NEP policy help. Loser malay pig!

Anonymous said...

This despite the fact that the NEP has resulted in corruption of endemic proportions, cronyism, guinea-pig experiment, mismanagement, the squandering the ill-gotten wealth, and above all, a self-denial syndrome regarding this massive wastage of public funds.

I really do not know what yardstick is being used to gauge and say that the malays have only achieved some 19 percent capital equity ownership as opposed to the 30 percent target set by the NEP.

With all the Umno owned entities plus licences and permits dished out generously, this should have surpassed the 30 percent long ago. What happened?

I would say that many of them want to get only the money, they did not want to do the hard work and learn the ropes of the business. I think this is the real problem.

But instead, meritocracy is blamed and that after all these years of affirmative policies, the malays have not been given the proper support to excel and succeed.

If the government is sincere in helping the malays, it has to stop corruption. There also has to be a change in attitude and mindset towards positioning with ability and pride.

The problem with Umno politics is that no one dares to think the unthinkable. They talk, but in some matters they will never walk the talk.